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Sample code

This section provides examples of the MusicXML library use.

Reading and writing MusicXML files


  Copyright (C) 2003  Grame
  Grame Research Laboratory, 9 rue du Garet, 69001 Lyon - France

  This file is provided as an example of the MusicXML Library use.
  It shows how to read and write xml files.   

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include "TMusicXMLFile.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace MusicXML;

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 
    // use of a TMusicXMLFile object to read and write xml files
    TMusicXMLFile file;
    for (int i=1; i<argc; i++) {
        // reads the file (file name is readed from the command line)
        SScore score =[i]);
        if (score) {
            // and writes the readed score to the standard output
            // note that 'cout' could be replaced by a file name as well
            file.write (score, cout);
        else {
            cerr << "cannot read file \"" << argv[i] << "\"" << endl;
    return 0;

Building a score from scratch


  Copyright (C) 2003  Grame
  Grame Research Laboratory, 9 rue du Garet, 69001 Lyon - France

  This file is provided as an example of the MusicXML Library use.
  It shows how to build a memory representation of a score from scratch. 


#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <math.h>

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>

#include "LibMusicXML.h"

using namespace MusicXML;

const string kPartID = "P1";
#define kDivision   4

// a simple function that return random numbers in the given range
int         getrandom(int range);

// the 'scorepart' function builds a score-part MusicXML element
SScorePart  scorepart();

// the 'makeheader' function builds the score header
void        makeheader(SScoreHeader& header);

// creates a measure containing random notes
SPWMeasure  makemeasure(unsigned long num);

// creates specific elements of the score first measure
void        firstmeasure(SPWMeasure& m);

// creates a part containing 'count' measures
SPWPart     makepart(int count);

// the function that creates and writes the score
void        randomMusic(int measuresCount);

// a simple function that return random numbers in the given range
int getrandom(int range) {
    float f = (float)rand() / RAND_MAX;
    return (int)(f * range); 

// the 'scorepart' function builds a score-part MusicXML element
SScorePart scorepart() {
    SScorePart part = newScorePart(kPartID);// creates the score-part element
    part->setPartName ("Recorder");         // sets the part name

    // creates a score instrument
    SScoreInstrument instrument = newScoreInstrument ("I1");
    instrument->setName ("Recorder");       // sets the instrument name
    part->add(instrument);                  // and adds the instrument to the part

    // creates a MIDI instrument
    SMidiInstrument midi = newMidiInstrument("I1");
    midi->setProgram (75);  // sets the MIDI program to the General MIDI program for the recorder
    part->add(midi);        // and adds the MIDI instrument to the part

    return part;

// the 'makeheader' function builds the score header
// the score header contains various information, including identification,
// parts list etc...
void makeheader(SScoreHeader& header) {
    // creates an identification element
    SIdentification id = newIdentification();
    SCreator creator = newCreator ();       // creates a creator element
    creator->setType("Composer");           // sets the creator type
    creator->setName("Georg Chance");       // sets the creator name
    id->add(creator);                       // adds the creator to the identification

    SEncoding ec = newEncoding();           // creates an encoding element
    ec->setSoftware ("MusicXML Library");   // sets the software name
    id->encoding() = ec;                    // adds the encoding to the identification

    header->identification() = id;          // adds the identification to the header

    header->setMovementTitle ("Random Music");  // sets the movement title
    header->partList() = newPartList();         // creates a part list
    header->partList()->add (scorepart());      // and adds a new part to the part list

// creates specific elements of the score first measure
// the first measure is generally a special measure since it contains 
// elements like the clef, the time and key signatures etc...
void firstmeasure(SPWMeasure& m) {
    SAttributes attributes = newAttributes();   // creates new attributes

    SClef clef = newClef();                 // creates a new clef
    clef->setSign(TClef::G);                // sets the clef sign
    clef->setLine(2);                       // sets the clef line number
    attributes->add(clef);                  // and adds the clef to the attributes

    STimeSign ts = newTimeSign();           // creates a new time signature
    ts->add (4, 4);                         // sets the time signature to 4/4
    attributes->timeSign() = ts;            // and drop the time sign into the attributes

    // sets the attributes division: division is the MusicXML way to indicates how many 
    // divisions per quarter note are used to indicate a note's duration.

    m->add (attributes);                    // and adds the attributes to the measure
    SDirection dir = newDirection();        // creates a direction element
    SSound sound = newSound();              // creates a sound element
    long tempo = 120 + getrandom(40)-20;    // computes a random tempo value
    sound->setTempo (tempo);                // and sets the sound tempo
    dir->sound() = sound;                   // and drop the sound element into the direction element
    SDirectionType dt = newDirectionType(); // creates a direction-type element
    SMetronome metro = newMetronome();      // creates a metronome element
    metro->setBeat (NoteType::quarter);     // and sets the metronome to
    metro->setPerMinute (tempo);            // quarter note = tempo
    dt->add(metro);                         // adds the metronome to the direction-type element
    dir->add(dt);                           // adds the direction-type to the direction element
    m->add (dir);                           // and finally adds the direction to the measure

// creates a measure containing random notes
// the function takes the measure number as an argument
SPWMeasure makemeasure(unsigned long num) {
    // creates a new partwise measure
    SPWMeasure measure = newPWMeasure(num);

    if (num==1) {                   // if it's the first measure
        firstmeasure(measure);      // creates specific elements of the first measure
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {       // next adds 4 quarter notes
        SNote note = newNote();                         // creates the note       
        SPitch pitch = newPitch();                      // creates a pitch
        pitch->setStep(getrandom(7)+1);                 // sets the pitch to a random value
        pitch->setOctave (4 + getrandom(2));            // sets the octave to a random value
        note->pitch() = pitch;                          // and drops the pitch to the note
        note->setDuration (kDivision);                  // sets the note duration to a quarter note
        note->graphics() = newGraphNote();              // creates the graphic elements of the note
        note->graphics()->setType (NoteType::quarter);  // and sets the graphic note type to quarter note
        measure->add (note);        // and finally adds the note to the measure
    return measure;

// creates a part containing 'count' measures
SPWPart makepart(int count) {
    SPWPart part = newPWPart(kPartID);      // creates a new part
    for (int i=1; i<=count; i++)            // and 'count' times
        part->add (makemeasure(i));         // adds a new measure to the part
    return part;

// the function that creates and writes the score
void randomMusic(int measuresCount) {
    SScorePartwise score = newScorePartwise();      // creates a partwise score
    score->scoreHeader() = newScoreHeader();        // creates a score header and drops it to the score
    makeheader(score->scoreHeader());               // fills the score header
    score->add(makepart(measuresCount));            // adds a part to the score

    TMusicXMLFile f;
    f.write(score, cout);   // and finally writes the score to the standard output

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
    // if present, reads the measures count from the command line
    int count = (argc == 2) ? atoi(argv[1]) : 20;
    // sets the random numbers seed
    // computes and writes the score
    return 0;

Visiting a score


  Copyright (C) 2003  Grame
  Grame Research Laboratory, 9 rue du Garet, 69001 Lyon - France

  This file is provided as an example of the MusicXML Library use.
  It shows how to read and write xml files. It also gives a concrete
  example of how to browse and modify the memory representation of
  a score.

#include <iostream>

#include "LibMusicXML.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace MusicXML;

// This is an example of a visitor implementation. Visitors allows
// to browse the memory representation of a score. Two basic visitors
// are provided by the library:
//  - a TRoutedVisitor which is a visitor that provides a path for 
//    traversing the score tree (see the library documentation for the
//    path description). 
//  - a TScoreVisitor which is a visitor that does nothing: objects
//    that derive from TScoreVisitor must implement a path for traversing
//    the score tree. This may be necessary only for non-standard way
//    of browsing the score. 
// The RawTransposer visitor has no special requirement concerning the path
// for traversing the tree and therefore derives from TRoutedVisitor.
// It is only interested in TNote objects and therefore, only overrides 
// the corresponding method.
class RawTransposer : public TRoutedVisitor {

        // constructor is initialized with the transposing interval
        RawTransposer(int interval) : fInterval(interval) {}
        virtual ~RawTransposer() {}
        void visite ( SNote& elt );

        int fInterval;      // the transposing interval

// The raw transposition implementation.
void RawTransposer::visite (SNote& note) {
    // first get the note pitch element (it's a MusicXML pitch)
    SPitch pitch = note->pitch();
    // and next adds the transposing interval
    // the += operator affects the step and octave only (no accidental change)
    *pitch += fInterval;

int main (int argc, char * argv[]) 
    if (argc != 3) {
        cerr << "usage: " << argv[0] << " <interval> <file>" << endl;

    // transposing interval is readed from the command line
    int interval = atoi(argv[1]);
    // use of a TMusicXMLFile object to read and write xml files
    TMusicXMLFile file;
    // reads the file (file name is readed from the command line)
    SScore score =[2]);
    if (score) {
        if (interval) {
            // declares a RawTransposer object
            RawTransposer transposer(interval);
            // ask the score to accept the transposer
        // and finally writes the result on the standard output
        // 'cout' could be replaced by a file as well
        file.write (score, cout);
    else cerr << "cannot read file \"" << argv[2] << "\"" << endl;
    return 0;

Generated on Tue Mar 23 09:49:50 2004 for LibMusicXML by doxygen 1.3.3