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TMeasure Class Reference

The MusicXML base class for partwise and timewise measure elements. More...

#include <TMeasure.h>

Inheritance diagram for TMeasure:

visitable smartable TPWMeasure TTWMeasure List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setStringNumber (const string &num)
void setImplicit (YesNo::type type)
void setNonControlling (YesNo::type type)
const string & getStringNumber () const
long getNumber () const
YesNo::type getImplicit () const
YesNo::type getNonControlling () const

Protected Member Functions

 TMeasure (long num)
 TMeasure (string num)

Detailed Description

Measures have a required measure number attribute.

The implicit attribute is set to "yes" for measures where the measure number should never appear, such as pickup measures and the last half of mid-measure repeats. The implicit attribute is "no" if not specified.

The non-controlling attribute indicates that this measure in this part does not necessarily synchronize with other measures in other parts.
The MusicXML measure element is defined in score.dtd.

support of the implicit and non-controlling attributes.

Generated on Tue Mar 23 09:50:06 2004 for LibMusicXML by doxygen 1.3.3