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TGraphNote Class Reference

Represents the graphic elements of a note. More...

#include <TNote.h>

Inheritance diagram for TGraphNote:

visitable smartable List of all members.

Public Types

enum  {
  undefined = -1, stemdown = 1, stemup, stemnone,
  stemdouble, last = stemdouble

Public Member Functions

virtual void accept (TScoreVisitor &visitor)
void setVoice (long voice)
 the corresponding note voice

void setType (NoteType::type type)
 the graphical note sign (whole, half, quarter, ...) corresponds to the type element

void setSize (FullCue::type size)
 the note size (full or cue)

void setDots (unsigned long dots)
 the number of dots

void setStem (long stem)
 stems can be down, up, none, or double.

void setStaff (long staff)
 staff assignment (only needed for music notated on the grand staff)

long getVoice () const
NoteType::type getType () const
FullCue::type getSize () const
unsigned int getDots () const
int getStem () const
int getStaff () const
long add (const SBeam &beam)
long add (const SNotation &notation)
SAccidentalaccidental ()
 graphical accidentals

STimeModificationtimemodification ()
 graphical element for tuplets

SNoteHeadnotehead ()
 the shape of the note head

vvector< SBeam > & beamList ()
 beaming definition

vvector< SNotation > & notationList ()
 notations elements (accents, slurs, etc...)

Static Public Member Functions

const string xmlstem (int d)
 convert an integer stem attribute to a MusicXML string

int xmlstem (const string str)
 convert an MusicXML string to an integer stem attribute


EXP friend SMARTP< TGraphNotenewGraphNote ()

Detailed Description

Graphic elements of a note represents the note type (whole, quarter, etc...), possible dots, accidentals, tuplets notation, stems, notehead, staff, beams and other notation elements.

the MusicXML stem definition includes now a position attribute and should be implemented as a separate element

Generated on Tue Mar 23 09:50:04 2004 for LibMusicXML by doxygen 1.3.3