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TPartSummary Class Reference

summary of a MusicXML part. More...

#include <TScanVisitor.h>

Inheritance diagram for TPartSummary:

smartable List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const string getID () const
 returns the part ID

void setStaff (long staff, long index)
 associates the staff to a value (a global unique index when used by TScanVisitor)

long getStaffIndex (long staff)
 returns the staff associated value (a global unique index when used by TScanVisitor)

long getStaff (long index) const
 returns the staff number from its index in the staff list

void incCue (long staff)
 increments the number of cue notes for the corresponding staff

void incVoice (long voice, long staff)
 increments the number of notes for the corresponding voice

long countStaves () const
 returns the number of staves for the part

long countCueNotes (long staff)
 returns the number of cue notes for the staff

long countVoices () const
 returns the number of voices for the part

long countVoices (long staff)
 returns the number of voices for the staff

long countVoiceNotes (long voice)
 returns the number of notes on a voice

long countStaffNotes (long staff)
 returns the number of notes on a staff

long countNotes (long voice, long staff)
 returns the number of notes for both a voices and a staff

long getVoice (long index) const
 returns the voice number for the corresponding index

long getMainStaff (long voice)
 returns the main staff for a voice (the staff where most of the notes are located)

Protected Member Functions

 TPartSummary (string id)


VEXP friend SMARTP< TPartSummarynewPartSummary (string id)

Detailed Description

A part summary consists in a list of voices included in the part, a count of cue notes associated to each staff, a count of staves associated to a unique index in the global score context.

Generated on Tue Mar 23 09:49:49 2004 for LibMusicXML by doxygen 1.3.3